(CG) |
There by the sea, there lived a boy. The name
he was given at birth has been forgotten in the impenetrable
fogs of time, because from the moment he could walk, albeit
quite clumsily, he was called Triadondia, which in the ancient
tongue meant “Three Teeth,” three teeth being
all the teeth that he ever managed to produce. And seeing
as how the teeth were unusually long and wide, and completely
out of proportion to the rest of his head, he was from a toddler
on, the object of much derision and name-calling. |
of the Sea God (KM) |
And so from boyhood on, little Triadondia roamed up and
down the beach, paying close attention to the secrets imparted
to him. By the age of seven, he had become a skilled fisherman,
able to take a net and spear and return in short order with
a fine catch of delectable fish. These he would bring home
where his mother would clean and cook them before serving
them to Triadondia and his father. Though it was a very lonely
childhood he had, his life was not without love. His parents
in addition to being humble and industrious were also gentle
of spirit and kind in both word and deed. If his parents held
him by one hand, it was the sea that held him by the other.
And with these two guides to steady his progress, young Triadondia
weathered the isolation that was his lot, kept his gaze firmly
fixed on the sea, and grew up to be a rather confidant lad. |
Serpent Stilter (CG) |
One morning, in his twelfth year, Triadondia was shaken
from his sleep by a roar unlike any he had ever heard. In
an instant his family’s little dwelling and his own
little bed were torn apart by an impossible wave that engulfed
everything at once. It was a wave unknown except to legend,
a wave that sucked everything into its foamy grip. There was
no time to save his parents. There was not a moment to do
anything but to surrender to this wrenching wave of white
thunder. If it were not for the fact that Triadondia could
hold his breath for an inhumanly long time, he would never
have survived. |
Shipwrecked on Coral's Reef (RH) |
Exhausted from trying to save what he could
of his family's possessions, he fell asleep and dreamt of
animals that talked and gods who rode in chariots and who
bestowed gifts on sleeping children. All about him were men
at war, and he was allowed to pick up and hold their weapons,
their spears and swords and a strange three-pronged scepter
unlike anything he had ever seen. He woke up to the rays of
the sun, and realized that he had to make a decision. Should
he proceed to walk to the nearest village and seek his fate
there, among the townspeople, or should he construct himself
a raft and cast his fate with the sea? |
(CG) |
As he watched a gull wing its way towards the
rising sun, young Triadondia decided to cast his fate with
the sea. He would build a raft, and sail it beyond the horizon
in search of those things that he saw in dreams. He would
live free as the ocean unto whose boundless generosity and
abundance he would surrender himself. And so immediately he
began to collect logs and bark, and within a week’s
time, he had constructed a sturdy single-sailed raft of fine
proportions, and on the morning of the seventh day, he packed
it with water, a few tools, a few remnants of his childhood
and set off upon the adventure that was to become his life.